Note: This technique is taught in Gary’s: The EFT Manual
Description compiled by: Ann Adams
Author of EFT4PowerPoint
The Comprehensive Package for Effectively Teaching EFT
A useful technique for chronic and complex problems
when EFT does not seem to be working or is very slow
CBB uses Five Breathing Positions:
��Normal breath
��IN deep and hold
��OUT halfway - hold
��OUT fully - hold
��Halfway IN - hold
During this exercise keep arms and elbows from touching the body.
LEFT hand
1. a. Place LEFT FINGERS on the LEFT side collarbone point (CB). Go thru 5 breathing positions while tapping the Left hand gamut spot at least 7 times with your RIGHT hand fingers.
b. Bend LEFT KNUCKLES and touch the LEFT CB. Go thru 5 breathing positions while tapping the LEFT hand gamut spot with RIGHT fingers at least 7 times.
2. a. Move LEFT fingers to the RIGHT side CB. Go thru 5 breathing positions while tapping the Left hand gamut spot at least 7 times with your RIGHT hand fingers.
b. Bend LEFT KNUCKLES and touch the RIGHT side CB. Go thru 5 breathing positions while tapping the LEFT hand gamut spot at least 7 times with your RIGHT hand fingers.
3. a. Place RIGHT FINGERS on the LEFT side CB. Go thru 5 breathing positions while tapping the RIGHT hand gamut spot at least 7 times with LEFT fingers.
b. Bend RIGHT KNUCKLES on the LEFT side CB while tapping the RIGHT hand gamut spot at least 7 times with LEFT fingers.
4. a.. Move RIGHT FINGERS the RIGHT side CB. Go thru 5 breathing positions while tapping the RIGHT hand gamut spot at least seven times with LEFT fingers.
b. Bend RIGHT KNUCKLES on the RIGHT side CB while tapping the gamut spot at least 7 times with LEFT fingers.
Always breathe IN
through the nose
and OUT through
the mouth.
Collarbone Breathing
I know Gary taught Collarbone Breathing on his DVDs but I never saw him use it on the later tapes. When is it helpful? It seems rather complex and confusing.ANSWER:
At first glance CBB does seem to be confusing. But CBB consists of repetitive steps as you switch hands and sides of the body. I created a simple handout to make it easier for my students to learn: Click here. CBB can be helpful when EFT just doesn’t seem to be working or to relax a very anxious – or resistant – person. CBB appears to clear ‘energy blocks’ for EFT. I generally introduce CBB as just another relaxation technique as it does appear to bring deep levels of relaxation when done slowly and deliberately. I use it most for people who report chronic issues such as: addiction, physical problems or a long history of anxiety, depression or other emotional distress.Ann Adams, LCSW,
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